MOST Grocery stores print a rec't and at the bottom of the rec't is the opportunity to call, give your opinion of the store and then you will be entered to win MONEY or other items. The odds here are pretty good because not many people do this in comparison to how many people shop and because the timeframe given to enter is usually SHORT DATED. The downside is there is almost always the option to enter by mail (even if you did not shop at the store) so more SWEEPERS are in the contest w/o actually doing the survey. ALSO............ there is usually 1-5 prizes NATIONWIDE per month. I personally like "more prizes" but I will enter on occasion.
Check out the LEGITIMATE SURVEY SITES that cost no money, pay you money and / or rewards for giving your opinion
- ANJIES LIST OF SURVEY SITES that she has experience with AND RATED
- Anjie's Survey Article from EONS AGO
- Nicole's Nickels: Earn $ from university-sponsored surveys/experiments
- Focus groups NEWS catching "criminals" WOW another good use for them!
You Data: scroll down to the bottom of my FRUGAL FREELANCER blog & sign up
SAY NATION: I haven't added this one yet to my "big list" but I love it! JOIN HERE SURVEY & GAME SITE WITH OPPORTUNITY TO GET GAS CARDS AND MOREREFERRAL CODE: 2513691811 NOTE: when you use a REFERRAL CODE you get EXTRA POINTS too!
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